Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend 2012

Starting Friday May 18 till Sunday May 20, 2012, c-base and the German community invite you to the “Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend” at the c-base space station in Berlin.


  • 18.-20 May 2012 at c-base berlin



  • B B Q
  • Störerhaftung myass –> reto
    • Die aktuelle Rechtslage
    • Unsere Forderungen
    • Das freifunkVPN
  • Freifunk in den BVVs von Berlin (Bezirksübergreifender Austausch/Perspektiven) –>
  • socialAPP für Dezentralenetzwerkstrukturen –> carlo
    • SecureShare, peer-to-peer social network with end-to-end encryption talks, workshop
  • Protokollentwicklung NEWS olsr, B.A.T.M.A.N.  ???
  • openWRT Now and Beyond –> nbd
  • was andere Leute denken und schreiben, was wir machen (Presseschau) –> wetterfrosch & cven
  • community best practice presentation –> YOU!
  • ad-hoc und olsr mit Android –> sven-ola
  • Möglichkeiten im 800MHz ISM-Band / wifi im TV-whitespace
  • Joint Rate and Power control – Performance of Minstrel-Blues –> Bluse, TU-Berlin & FF Sundhausen


Updated Info in the wiki:

Sign in at: mit Elektra: Studiogast heute Keks aus Berlin

Ab jetzt gibt es mit Elektra aus Berlin.

Studiogast: Keks aus Berlin

Länge: 31:33 min Netto, 27:00 min Brutto


Download bei Berlin Nord-Ost

Ogg: Gut 16.5MB / Besser 27.3 MB / Persfekt 85.1 MB

MP3: Naja 14.4 MB / OK 24.5 MB / Wie neben dir! 34.5 MB

Mehr Infos unter:

HAM, Beacon & Hacks – NASA’s SpaceAppsChallenge

spaceappschallengeThe International Space Apps Challenge, which might be interesting for the freifunk community is taking place on April 21-22, 2012. The event is an opportunity to build, create, and invent new solutions to challenges of global importance. It focuses on topics such as “Software, Open Hardware, Citizen Science and Data Visualization”.

An idea is for example an app project proposed by Andreas Hornig and, the app “Ham, Beacon & Hacks”. It could be interesting for freifunk enthusiasts, because we could use it to include “freifunk stations” into the DB.

“There are several governmental & public, amateur and private radio transmitters and receivers of all kind all over the world. There are ground stations for space applications like the Deep Space Network, space and terrestrial amateur radio relays and even private ones. Although they are known because of licensing reasons and because of detectable transmission, it’s sometimes hard to find a map for all of them. HAM, beacon & hacks is a challenge to create an app for a community driven database of such radio stations, that allows easy submission of new station data and editing of existing ones and vizualisation of the location and further parameters. This makes it possible to filter for stations of a certain frequency band and to identify their propagation sphere or direction. HAM, beacon & hacks will support several things: It will allow to identify gaps in coverage areas and where to set up a possible new station. It will allow to identify bottle necks in bandwith in communication relays It will allow the community to increase collaboration when they see and know their neighbours It will allow student teams to find possible reception points for communication of their high altitude flying (balloons, drones) or orbital reentry vehicles It will also provide a database of stations to be used for coverage optimization algorithm in general and for neighbouring freqency protection in particular (Colomb Ruler, Costas Arrays). The challenge can be a community driven database on a website and can be extended as a hardware project to dectect stations and measure their properties. It can also be extended for WIFI meshes with OLSR or B.A.T.M.A.N and other usefull wireless communication links.” (

For interested developers there are coding events all over the world on that day. Developers in Germany could meet up during the SpaceApps Challenge event in the hackspace Stuttgart (Date: 9am Saturday, 21st April to 4pm Sunday 22nd April 2012; U4/U9 “Im Degen”, Ulmer Straße 255, Stuttgart Wangen / across from Kulturhaus Arena;

The initiative for the app challenge goes back to no-one else than President Obama. So, let’s see what will come out of it!

“On September 20, 2011, President Obama, together with other heads of state, endorsed the principles of the Open Government Partnership – a new multilateral initiative to promote transparency, participation and collaboration between governments and citizens. Since then, 52 countries have joined the global partnership. NASA is working with other organizations around the world on the International Space Apps Challenge as part of the United States’ domestic commitments to the Open Government Partnership.” (

[via Andreas Hornig]

Freifunk auf den Chemnitzer Linuxtagen

Wie schon im Blog angekündigt, war Freifunk auf den Chemnitzer Linux Tagen 2012 vertreten. Angemeldet wurden von mir sowohl ein Posterstand als auch ein Vortrag. Letzterer fand leider erst am zweiten Tag im allerletzten Vortragsplatz statt, aber dazu später mehr.

Aus Freifunk auf den Chemnitzer Linux Tagen (CLT) 2012

Der Posterstand war fast durchgängig besetzt von Steffen Förster, einem Freifunker aus Chemnitz. Sein Laptop besaß glücklicherweise einen 5ghz- Adapter, mit dem eine Verbindung zum Netz der TU Chemnitz hergestellt wurde. Darüber wurde dann der danebenstehende TP-Link TL-WR1043ND mit einem Internetzugang versorgt und dieser wiederum an die Besucher weitergereicht. Sowohl am Samstag als auch am Sonntag gab es am Posterstand einen regen Verkehr. Unter den Besuchern der CLT 2012 waren Freifunker aus der ganzen Republik, die sich über den Aufbau eines freien Funknetzes ausgetauscht haben. Auch die Besucher waren sehr interessiert an der Idee eines freien und offenen Funknetzes. Abhalten tut sie eigentlich nur die leidige Frage der Störerhaftung.

Dem Vortrag wurde im Vortragsprogramm der letzte Platz um 16.30 zugewiesen, offizielles Ende der Chemnitzer Linux Tage ist 17.00. Angesichts dessen war bei mir die Sorge da, dass nur eine handvoll Leute kommen. Überraschenderweise waren dann doch rund 50 Interessierte da. Nachdem der Vortrag in rund 20 Minuten einen Überblick über die hinter Freifunk stehenden Ideen, die Anfänge und technische Umsetzung gegeben hat, löcherte das Publikum anwesenden Lübecker Freifunker und mich noch mit Fragen. Der Vortrag ist eine SVG-Datei und kann hier zur freien Verwendung (CC-BY) heruntergeladen werden.

Freifunk auf den Chemnitzer Linuxtagen 2012

Klaus Kruse stellt auf den diesjährigen Chemnitzer Linuxtagen Freifunk vor. Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage sind die zweitgrößte Veranstaltung zum Thema Linux und Open Source in Deutschland.  Die Veranstaltung dreht sich rund um das Thema Linux und Open Source für jedermann. Sie wird vom IN Chemnitz, der CLUG, dem Rechenzentrum und der Fakultät für Informatik der TU Chemnitz und vielen freiwilligen Helfern durchgeführt.

Der Vortrag findet am Sonntag dem 18. März um 16:30 im Raum V3 statt.

Hier der Ankündigungstext:

Freifunk – drahtlose Community-Netzwerke. Unter dem Label «Freifunk» existiert eine deutschlandweite Bewegung, die vor Ort freie und offene WLAN-Netzwerke aufbaut. Zum Einsatz kommen Standardrouter und angepasste Firmware auf der Basis von OpenWRT. Der Vortrag zeigt die Motivation, wie die Technik funktioniert und wie sich jeder selbst am Aufbau eines Freifunk-Netzwerkes beteiligen kann.

Adresse des Events:
Hörsaal- und Seminar-Gebäude der Technischen Universität Chemnitz
Reichenhainer Straße 90
09126 Chemnitz

Weitere Informationen:

freifunk at the CeBIT 2012

The CeBIT and Linux New Media are sponsoring Free/Open Source Projects to join the CeBIT from March 6-10 in Hannover, Germany. Freifunk was accepted as an Open Source organization. We have a booth and already have a confirmation of some Italien friends from the Ninux community who will join as well. 

I have set up a Wiki page for everyone who would like to help with the organization.

Preparations and communications are running over the following channel:

The organizers already confirmed to us, that we will have power supply and Internet. “Connectivity will be by network cable, not by WiFi.” I think we can take care of that.


* Announcement at heise

* CeBIT Website

* Italian community

* Organization Page for event

* Preps and communication

Wireless Battle Mesh v5 in Greece – Call for papers

Wireless Battle Mesh v5 is at hand and it is time to bring together the agenda. As last year’s attempts to construct an agenda was well received and provided the grounds for numerous healthy discussions the broad majority asked for similar action. However, the number of talks is going to be reduced to leave more time for individual discussions and testing.



To allow an efficient handling of your submission, please provide the following information and send them to me directly in form of an email:

* your name

* the type of your slot (talk/workshop/panel discussion/lightening talk)

* your topic headline

* your topic description which can brief (does not need to exceed a couple of lines) but should provide a reasonable summary of your talk

* the dates of your stay at the event + (optional) preferred day for your slot

* length of the slot if you wish to do a workshop (all other slots will be limited to one hour – notify me in advance if you think that is not enough for you)

Feel free to contact me with your ideas in case you are unsure about your topic. Last year’s agenda also should be able to provide some insights:



Submissions are accepted until and including the 16th of March. Everyone missing this deadline still has the opportunity to apply for a lightening talk slot. These slots can be acquired by simply contacting me during the event. The list of registered lightening talks will be published in the battlemesh wiki.

The final program will be made available in the aforementioned wiki during the second week of March.


* Battle Mesh Website:

GSoC 2011: Videochat for Diaspora with Vittorio

I’m writing about the results achieved with my Google Summer of Code project, for the Ninux community, under the umbrella of Freifunk (I thank them both for the opportunity they gave me).

Briefly it consisted in developing a video chat feature for Diaspora*, a distributed social network.

This project has received a very big feedback and appreciations from the entire Diaspora community, including the core team, who helped and supported me during the development.

Basically, it provides two new functionalities to the Diaspora engine:

  • Textual chat, based on XMPP signaling protocol
  • Video chat, using Jingle XEP
Both have been developed in Javascript, with some Rails code. It usesStrophe.js library for the textual chat, based on XMPP Over BOSH standard, and a self-made extension of it to realize Jingleprotocol.
The project includes a custom ejabberd module in Erlang for the integration of ejabberd/diaspora databases, an Actionscript part for the video chat stuff and an external authentication script written in Ruby used by ejabberd to authenticate users from Diaspora.
The project has been split in two pull requests, and we’re currently fixing them before merge with master repository: [1],  [2].

Source code can be found at, under “jabber” and “video_chat” branches.

Setup instructions here. Some screen-shots: [1], [2], [3].

I hope it will be soon merged and improved by me and the community, to make it available on every Diaspora* pod!


**This article appeared first on the website of Ninux, our friends from Italy:

Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend 2011 in Berlin

Starting Friday June 3 till Sunday June 5, 2011, c-base and the German community invite you to the “Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend” at the c-base space station in Berlin. 


inside locations

  • e.t.i is near cbase – in alley towards the street
  • main hall
  • seminar room

ad hoc workshops

all the ad-hoc workshops will take place in the seminar room


mainhall hackcenter (Irgendwo an einem Tisch)


  • Evening Get together, BBQ and creative commons music

Hardware Basar

Many wifi activists has lockers and shelfs full of wifi equipment, boards, enclosures, wifi cards, antennas, cables and pigtails. A lot of wifi stuff just sits there and wait to be used or just gets dusty. If this equipment still works and can be used better, lets re-use it and share it to the wifi community.

So bring it with you to the wireless community weekend and gift it to a big live moderation stage auction. All parts starts at one euro, the collected money goes back to the community as a donation to give a financial support the wireless community weekend event.