GSoC 2018 – Better map for nodewatcher (1st update)

Since my last update I made a lot of progress in understanding how nodewatcher works, mostly around Django, and implementing some of the elements I stated in my last post.

My progress in the beginning was very slow because I hadn’t used Django in such capacity used in nodewatcher. But after a couple of trial and error moments and a lot of help from Django forums and wlan-si members I was able to get a grip of the things I needed. There should be a more detailed description as to how to some parts of the nodewatcher system work. Currently only a handful of people know how the whole system work and that shouldn’t be the case, I will try to document most of my findings and contribute them to the project to help others later on.

I started my own leaflet map in order to begin progress on the map while I learned everything around the current nodewatcher schema. I tried to implement the basic functionalities first to see how the whole code is layed out. As you can see from the picture below I tested out the fullscreen option of the map and also the color representation of the different nodes. In the top-right corner I also added the support for selecting which nodes to show.

This is just a test example and there is a lot of work implementing this into nodewatcher because here I wrote my own script and added the markers by hand. The biggest part is that I need to figure out where to add this code to nodewatcher and make it work with real nodes. I hope to have this figured out until the next update so that some of the features get added. These features are subject to changes and will most likely change in appearance.

I also had some problems with implementing new scripts but that shouldn’t pose a problem in the future. As I said earlier the main problem is adapting to the current code and maintaining its structure so that there isn’t any confusion when someone else takes over. But as I said this involves a lot of asking around for help and will be helpful later on because I hope to continue with this project after GSoC.

After that I will start working on the side menu and anything else that shows as a good addition to the map but for now it is important to learn how the system works and add basic upgrades so that later on it is easier to focus just on adding new elements not wasting time with learning how everything works again.

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