endorses the Battle of the Mesh v8

Battlemesh v8 poster

The “Wireless Battle of the Mesh” is an event that aims to bring together people from across the globe to test the performance of different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, OLSR, and 802.11s.

Many developers and community networkers will join the event to hack, test, discuss, explain and learn.

If you are interested in dynamic routing protocols or wireless community networks you can’t miss this event!

The battlemesh is free of charge and open for all, every year we strive to keep participation costs low by negotiating deals for accommodation and food.

This year the event will take place from 3rd to 9th August 2015 in Maribor, Slovenia and will be hosted by Wlan Slovenia. endorses and supports the Battle of the Mesh v8 because it’s a great opportunity to meet all the developers and community network activists at one place. Our communities take benefits directly from results of the battle. The battlemesh gives us help and inspiration for further development of our firmwares and all the communities. will support the event by:

  • help to promote the event
  • bring members of the community to the event
  • give talks about advancement of our community in certain aspects
  • provide hardware for the routing protocol testing
  • collect donations and will donate some money to the organizers

Many other communities endorse and support the Wireless Battle of The Mesh v8, an up to date list of the endorsers of the Battlemesh v8 can be found at the main Battlemesh website.

If you are interested in coming join the event’s Mailing List to stay up to date with the latest news.

Podcast from Battle of the mesh Aalborg with Rundfreifunk

Listen to the podcast of the Wireless Battle of the Mesh 2013 in Aalborg here or on Soundcloud.

Unboxing Routers on the Table at Battlemesh event

some from Wireless Communities worldwide met in Aalborg University to have a whole week to make test for some routing protocols, that are able to make wifi communications possible for mesh networking. these are some cuts from interviews with that people at the last night, when they were going out for party and to sum up that week.

The Battlemesh event that aims at bringing together people from across Europe to test the performance of different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like BabelB.A.T.M.A.N.BMXOLSR802.11s and Static Routing. It is a tournament with a social character. The goal of the WirelessBattleMesh events is to set-up hands-on testbed for each available mesh routing protocol with a standard test procedure for the different mesh networks.


Wireless Battle Mesh v5 in Greece – Call for papers

Wireless Battle Mesh v5 is at hand and it is time to bring together the agenda. As last year’s attempts to construct an agenda was well received and provided the grounds for numerous healthy discussions the broad majority asked for similar action. However, the number of talks is going to be reduced to leave more time for individual discussions and testing.



To allow an efficient handling of your submission, please provide the following information and send them to me directly in form of an email:

* your name

* the type of your slot (talk/workshop/panel discussion/lightening talk)

* your topic headline

* your topic description which can brief (does not need to exceed a couple of lines) but should provide a reasonable summary of your talk

* the dates of your stay at the event + (optional) preferred day for your slot

* length of the slot if you wish to do a workshop (all other slots will be limited to one hour – notify me in advance if you think that is not enough for you)

Feel free to contact me with your ideas in case you are unsure about your topic. Last year’s agenda also should be able to provide some insights:



Submissions are accepted until and including the 16th of March. Everyone missing this deadline still has the opportunity to apply for a lightening talk slot. These slots can be acquired by simply contacting me during the event. The list of registered lightening talks will be published in the battlemesh wiki.

The final program will be made available in the aforementioned wiki during the second week of March.


* Battle Mesh Website: