Wireless Kernel Tweaking or how B.A.T.M.A.N. learned to fly – Presentation at the 24c3 by Marek Lindner and Simon Wunderlich

Marek Lindner and Simon Wunderlich from the Berlin freifunk community gave a talk on Wireless Kernel Tweaking and the B.A.T.M.A.N. routing protocol at the 24c3 Chaos Communication Congress. The video is now available on the torrent network.

Kernel hacking definitely is the queen of coding but in order to bring mesh routing that one vital step further we had to conquer this, for us, unchartered territory. Working in the kernel itself is a tough and difficult task to manage, but the results and effectivity to be gained justify the long and hard road to success. We took on the mission to go down that road and the result is B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced which is a kernel land implementation of the B.A.T.M.A.N. mesh routing protocol specifically designed to manage Wireless MANs.

During the last years the number of deployed mesh networks has increased dramatically and their constant growth drove us around the edge of what we thought was possible. To cope with this rapid development we had to leave the slow and limited track of tweaking existing approaches and take an evolutionary step forward by porting the B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol into the kernel land and going down to layer 2. Using B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced as a showcase we will, in our lecture, deliver a detailed review on how one can go about developing linux kernel modules, give insights in what difficulties to expect and provide practical tips on how to go about this challenge without experiencing a damaging kernel freeze in due process.

We will describe what problems we faced migrating down to layer 2 and how we went about solving them for example how we moved away from the kernel routing and handle the actual routing and data transport in B.A.T.M.A.N. itself. Also moving to layer 2 meant to leave IPs behind and solely rely on MAC-routing enabling features like DHCP, IPX, IPv6, etc which up to now was not possible and therefore comes as a big plus. On the other hand there were little if none diagnostic tools at all for routing on that level so we had to go back one step and develop the tools we needed ourselves.

These and other things we will cover in our presentation and also give an outlook into the future of mesh-routing, which will bring it even closer to the source of wifi – the wireless stack and its drivers and thereby improving the overall performance even more.

Link: www.open-mesh.net


Wireless Community Weekend in Graz vom 14.-16. September

Funkfeuer.at richtet vom 14.September – 16.September 2007 ein WirelessCommunityWeekend in Graz aus. Viel Spaß!
(via Cven)

Freie Netzwerkprojekte aus verschiedenen Teilen Europas treffen sich zum Erfahrungsaustausch und zur Diskussion über gemeinsame Projekte und Visionen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt wird zu aktellen Entwicklungen freier Mesh Routing Protokolle gesetzt. EntwicklerInnen verschiedener Projekte werden über den Stand der Forschung informieren und zu Diskussionen anregen. 15. – 16. September 2007, 14 – 22h


Webcamzeitraffer vom Chaos Communication Camp 2007

Der Vorratsdatenspeicher vom Chaos-Camp 2007 gibt derzeit einiges der gesammelten Daten Preis. Hier findet Ihr also den Zeitraffer von der Webcam, welche auf dem Antennenmast installiert war, als >> divx-Video

Podcasts über das Chaos Communication Camp 2007 von Rundfreifunk

Rundfreifunk sendete einige Sendungen live und direkt vom Chaos Communication Camp 2007. Zu empfangen waren die Sendungen – insgesamt 7 Stunden verteilt auf 3 Tage – in Leipzig per UKW und im Internet via Live-Streaming.

Die Sendungen sind mittlerweile im Archiv online auf >> http://rund.freifunk.net << und es geht natürlich um das Camp und z.B. um Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Freifunk, Camp-WLAN und Hackertools.

Wireless Community Weekend 2007 in Berlin

Wie es auf dem Blog
von cven
bereits im November zu lesen war, plant die
Freifunk-Community auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein „Wireless
Community Weekend“.

Zeit: 26. April 2007 bis Sonntag 29.
April 2007
Ort: c-base
e.V. Rungestrasse 20, 10179 Berlin

Dieses Jahr werden neben Freifunker aus
Deutschland vermehrt internationale Teilnehmer erwartet. Wer am
Mittwoch bereits in Berlin ist, ist herzlich eingeladen am Abend beim
wöchentlichen Freifunkertreffen in der c-base vorbeizuschauen. Für die weitere Organisation des
WCW habe ich eine Wikiseite