[GSoC’21] 802.11v Client-Capability Measurement

As a next part of my work, I want to start with a client capacity measurement.

I want to find out how many of my Wifi clients support the different standards like 802. 11v / 802. 11k / 802. 11r etc. Since the access points know which features the clients have, I just have to be able to read out this data.

The heart of the Accesspoint is the interconnect system uBus which is used by most services running on an OpenWrt setup. UBus works as a message bus between different daemons in OpenWrt. The user space daemon software hostapd ensures that the network interface card functions as an access point. Furthermore, the OLSR protocol is installed on the Accesspoint to always ensure the shortest route between the individual Accesspoints.

To find out which clients support which standard I will write a new LUA script and install it on a virtual machine. This script is used to ask the hostapd via uBus for the clients that support 802. 11v. Since I want to evaluate the data and also want to display this graphically, I will install the Prometheus Exporter as monitoring software.

After I have evaluated the collected data with Prometheus, I can start the further implementation of the 802. 11v standard within the network.

[GSOC’21] Radio Ressource Management with IEEE 802.11v

The goal of this project is to create a light-weight user-space daemon to enables IEEE 802.11v client handovers between OpenWrt APs.

About me

My name is Valerius Begau and I´m in my second year studying Bachelor of Internet-Technology and Applications at the University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen (Germany). I’m a big fan of open source because I think it’s a quicker and more efficient way to solve a problem. I am very happy to be part of the GSoC 2021 and hope to work together well.

Freifunk Client Steering (ff_steer)

Current Access network lack fast client handovers and roaming. Lately the client handover daemon “usteer” was released and focuses on none-standard client handovers by disassociating client and manage an intra AP communication to enable roaming. More recently the DAWN project uses a decentralized WiFi controller approach to disconnect clients based on RSSI measurements and statistics. Apart from this the IEEE 802.11v amendment is very promising. It allows a better handover of 802.11v enabled clients between APs. Instead of disassociating, the client can be guided to the next AP using a BSS TMR frames.

The procedure

  1. distribute the neighbor hearing map between relevant WiFi APs within a L2 domain
  2. manage client roaming with a new OpenWrt UBUS based interface
  3. validate and evaluate ff_steer with experiments

current status

I must say to my regret that due to many exams at the university I could not finish the project in the prescribed period. However, since I have posted my thoughts and ideas for implementation here, someone who is interested in this is welcome to pursue this further.

You can find my approach to Client Capability Measurement here