It’s been nearly a month since my last update on the PowQuty Live Log project and i would like to tell you, what has been done
so far and provide information on what will be done in the next month.
PowQuty got updated, to support Slack and mqtt event notification and can already be used in the current PowQuty version.
In addition to this, there have been some bug fixes during the last month and some new features were added.
On event occurrence the event gets stored in a csv file and each entry is displayed in the luci-app. To increase the usability,
a traffic light system will be added, which will show for each event type its occurrence time and show if the current values
are in violation of EN50160.
The event messages contain a times stamp, the duration of the event and updated event Type information, as well as event type related
information and GPS data.
As receiving notifications or emails on every event occasion can get noisy, we decided to provide a weekly summary of the events in
addition to the regular notifications.
The user will be able to decide if he wants to receive this summary, every event, or both. We consider using the traffic light system
here as well, to increase the readability and enable users to understand the quality of their power supply network, without a lot of
knowledge of the EN50160 norm.
We discussed individual intervals and keep it in mind as a possible later feature.
Best regards