Another great series of interviews I filmed with Saverio from during the Wireless Community Weekend. Interviews with core contributors to the global Freifunk community:
Saverio from the Italian Ninux community has now published a video interview Daniel Paufler and I conducted with them at the Wireless Community Weekend in Berlin. Thank you very much for the great montaggio! It is real fun to watch!
In Berlin, at C-Base, people from wireless communities all around
Europe meet to share ideas and experiences. See this interview by Mario
Behling with free networks activists from and
The Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend 2008 is over. I had a fantastic time meeting so many people pushing the idea of free networks to new hights. The interest in free wireless was overwhelming and we probably had more than double the number of the 51 visitors who put their names on the participants list. Many developers were taking part. We saw presentations about OpenWRT, B.A.T.M.A.N., the HorstTool, mikroFM, OpenHardware and the Luci-Interface for Freifunk networks. Receiving questions about "free networks and the implications of the law" regularly, we were extremely pleased that Reto Mantz recently published a doctoral thesis about this subject and held a presentation at the WCW (slides now available).
Together with the help of Italian and German Freifunkers Saverio and me made tons of interviews. Be sure it will not take two years this time to see them online 😉 Get a little taste of the WCW2008 with the first of a series of videos already published by our Italian friends.
Per ora vi lascio con questo breve video, che mostra qualche immagine
della domenicale del Wireless Community Weekend. Molto presto verranno
pubblicate le interviste. (
Unter „Wishlist“ gibt es hier Platz für euer Topic-Brainstorming.
neben den bereichen routing, hardware,firmware und layer8, werden wir auch probieren einige papers zu erarbeiten, die den umgang, mit den in einem mesh/community/network anfallenden daten beschreibt, und es waere auch schoen, wenn wir als gegenstueck zu der lobbyarbeit von einigen firmen und anderen angstmachern, richtern und anwaelten eine art "leitfaden" fuer den umgang mit community netzwerken und gateways an die hand geben koennten.
Da genau dafuer aber 3 tage nicht ausreichen, wird es ende januar einen termin fuer juristen geben, wo wir probieren moechten einige ziele auszuarbeiten und anzuformulieren, damit wir dann waerend des wcw2008 nicht bei null anfangen muessen. (Cven)