Hi everyone,
As we are on the midterm evaluation process, I would like to share what I have done so far. I created a small HTML5 application to share the location of a user, it uses geolocation API for this purpose. This will work online but, if we are offline it will work only if the device had a browser which communicated directly with the GPS hardware. This is how the application looks like when the location is found out:
As per my plan I was supposed to create a JSON API the application can use to send the request to the web server of qaul.net and a new message type for all the plugins in general. But it is not yet completed, so I have created a button in the message page of qaul.net GUI which will invoke the Javascript function to get the location of the user and it will be sent using the existing message type. There’s more work to be done for the proper working of the plugin mechanism in the qaul.net. Currently the location of the user is sent as longitude and latitude manner in the messaging system as shown below.