Powquty (PoWer Quality) – GSoC 2016

Dear Freifunkers,

Now that GSoC 2016 comes to its end, please allow me to update you on the powquty project. Despite some delays regarding the hardware, the goals set for GSoC 2016 have been reached. Here follows a picture that shows a compact demonstration for powquty.

Small Powquty Demonstration

The picture depicts the set-up for powquty, which consits of a LEDE based wireless router, connected to the PC over serial interface, where a Termial session of the router is running. The oscilloscope is attached via USB to the router. On the router’s terminal session we see that powqutyd has been started, with the correspondent messages shown on stdout. These message show the calculated power parameters.


For installing powquty follow these steps:

  • add the following line to your feeds.conf in your source directory:

src-git powquty https://github.com/thuehn/powquty.git

  • update the your feeds, then install powqutyd from feed
  • Include powqutyd in your config (make menuconfig) by choosing powqutyd from: Utilities –> powqutyd
  • Save and exit menuconfig  
  • Compile and install powqutyd
  • scp the ipk file to your router and install it
  • opkg install powqutyd_0.1-1_<target>.ipk

Note this package depends on the following libraries/packages, that have to be installed before installing powqutyd:

  • libmosquitto
  • libconfig
  • kmod-usb-acm (kernel module)

When successfull the powqutyd package will create:

  • the binary powqutyd in /usr/sbin
  • the configuration file in /etc/powqutyd/powqutyd.cfg

Before running powqutyd you need to configure it.

  • Powqutyd needs to read the measurement samples from the USB oscilloscope. The USB oscilloscope has to be plugged to the router before running powqutyd. The USB oscilloscope implements the USB Communication Device Class (CDC) device specification. This means that the kernel module kmod-usb-acm will recognize the USB oscilliscope once plugged and will create a tty device probably under /dev/ttyACM0. Depending on your setup this could be different. Check your system logs after plugging the USB oscilloscope to find out the actual path of the tty-device on your setup and adjust the path in the config file of powqutyd (/etc/powqutyd/powqutyd.cfg) accordingly. Note: if the tty-device is not set right the powqutyd will not start!
  • Powqutyd will send the calculated power quality parameters using MQTT-protocol to an MQTT-broker. This means that powqutyd requires IP connectivity between your router and the MQTT-broker. Of course this is given if you set up an MQTT broker on your router itself, but this is not a requirement, as long as the router has an IP connectivity to an MQTT-broker. For testing purposes we used mosquitto on the router as MQTT-broker. Depending on your setup you need to adjust the mqtt_host config option in your /etc/powqutyd/powqutyd.cfg accordingly. The mqtt_host config option is a string that could contain either the IP-address of the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the MQTT-broker. Note: at the current state, the MQTT-client implemeted by powqutyd uses the port 1883 with no SSL support.
  • Furthermore the powqutyd’s MQTT-client is an publish only client, thus it will not subscribe and has no will. Nonetheless the topic under which the powqutyd’s MQTT-client publishes needs to be set. This can be done by adjusting the mqtt_topic config option in your /etc/powqutyd/powqutyd.cfg accordingly.
  • Powqutyd sends three types of messages to the MQTT-broker: i)msg_device_online, ii) msg_device_data, iii) msg_device_offline. These messages are explained below, yet all of them use a common setting which is a (universally) unique id for the devices that communicate with the same MQTT-Broker. This way the MQTT-broker can differenciate between the messages it receives. This device-unique-id is set by the config option dev_uuid
  • It is possible to print the results messages that powqutyd sends to the MQTT-Broker to stdout. This can be set by the option powqutyd_print. If set to 0 (zero) powqutyd will not print the result to stdout.
  • Running powqutyd: Once all the configuration above are done powqutyd can be started by typing: “powqutyd &” to your terminal.

Work achieved

For the powquty project, my mentor and I set up a dedicated Github page accessible under the following link:


There the list of my commits can be seen under:



The following picture depicts the folder structure of the work done during the porject.

├── etc
│ └── powqutyd
│ └── powqutyd.cfg
├── include
│ ├── calculation.h
│ ├── config.h
│ ├── emulator.h
│ ├── helper.h
│ ├── mqtt.h
│ └── retrieval.h
├── lib
│ ├── libpqlib.a
│ └── PQ_App.h
├── Makefile
├── src
│ ├── calculation.c
│ ├── config.c
│ ├── emulator.c
│ ├── helper.c
│ ├── main.c
│ ├── mqtt.c
│ └── retrieval.c
└── test
 ├── mqtt_test.c
 ├── usb_test.c
 └── vserial_test.c

During the project I had to reschedule the tasks planned repeatedly according to the progress and to the other circonstances. The order of the tasks changed significantly from the original plan, yet it was necessary to achieve the Goals of the project. Finally the tasks I did were in the following order:

  • First I had ported the library to a binary blob that can be used on the router.
  • Next I ve implemented the MQTT-functionality.
  • After that, I started working on the emulator, then I started working on the USB communication. For that I followed a trial and error approach, for which I used the folder called test to try out different things. Strictly speaking it is not needed at all for the software to compile and run, yet I kept it for future reference. For the USB comuication I implemented two solutions: One using libusb, and another one using virtual serial port (termios.h), since i wasn’t sure how will the USB oscilloscope will behave on the router and if any driver on the router will provide me with a tty device. luckily the kmod-usb-acm did so, thus i continued the project with the virtual serial port solution.
  • Once the USB communication was working, the next step was to retrieve the sampled data from the oscilloscope. First trials yielded the first sine signal as shown in the next figure

  • The picture shows ten sine waves corresponding to 200 ms, with 10kHz sampling rate, formed by 2048 samples. Yet as it can be seen the calibration was missing and the values were between +2500 and -2500. That is because the values (as seen in the background of the figure) where signed short numbers, and uncalibrated. (I used octave for plotting).
  • Once I was able to get the calibration parameters from the USB oscilloscope, I thereafter applyed them to the samples and got the expected sine – Wave with the Voltage-values expected in EU (RMS = 230 Volts) as shown in the next picture

  • After successful retrieval of the sampling values, I continued designing the software for powquty. I decided to use a multi-threaded approach with a Thread for sending MQTT-messages, a second for retrieving measurment samples and a third for calculating the power quality parameters. I included a ring-buffer as an interface between the retrieval thread and the calculating-thread.
  • once all three component were integrated and working together I added the configuration (using libconfig) instead of hard-coded MQTT-Broker address, and hard-coded TTY-device …etc.

Goals and future work

As described in the first blogpost, the goal of the powquty project within GSoC 2016 is to create a LEDE package which ensures the following three functionalities:

  • Retrieving sampled voltage data from the power quality measurement device via USB
  • Calculating statistical power quality parameters (such as: avg. voltage, harmonics, ect.) form the retrieved voltage samples
  • Provisioning of the calculated parameters for retrieval and graphical representation

At this point the powquty project has reached its first big Milestone where the basic functionalities set for the GSoC 2016, have been completely implemented.
Yet the end of one milestone is the begin of the next milestone.  This is why I conclude with some propositions for future work on powquty:

  • Design and implementation of error handling
  • Migration of the config to uci config
  • Design and implementation of another log option than stdout
  • Design and implementation of a Luci App for easy configuration and showing results

Nonetheless, please allow me to express my gratitude to my mentor, Dr. Thomas Hühn, for his outstanding support, and constant availability. Also great thanks are due to Freifunk, whose distinguished voluntary efforts – not only in regard to GSoC – made this possible in the first place. Last not least, great credits are due to Google for encouraging this innovative type of value creation.


Upadate on the powquty project

Dear Freifunkers,
please allow me to update you on the progress if the powquty Project within Google Summer of Code 2016 at Freifunk.

As mentioned in my last blog the goal of the project is to create a LEDE package which ensures three functionalities:

  • Retrieving sampled voltage data from the power quality measurement device via USB
  • Calculating statistical power quality parameters (such as: avg. voltage, harmonics, ect.) form the retrieved voltage samples
  • Provisioning of the calculated parameters for retrieval and graphical representation

Herein I will give a short update about the progress of these functionalities.
For this project we are using an off-the-shelf USB-based oscilloscope “WeSense” from the company A.Eberle. The oscilloscope provides real time samples of measured voltage from the power plug via USB bus, using a binary protocol and a sample frequency up to 10kHz. Initially the oscilloscopes USB bus supported the host functionality only. Hencethe router would need to act in USB device mode, which is a rather unusual mode to be supported by todays WiFi router platforms. To overcome this limitation, aforementioned company agreed to provide us with another hardware implementation that implements the USB device functionality with optional five volts power feeding functionality. The new hardware is expected on my desk in mid July.
As a counter measure for this delay, we started implementing an emulator, that locally generates a signal-samples, which are then organised in packets as similar to the binary protocol.
Regarding the calculation of the power quality parameters functionality, we successfully ported the power quality library (in Ansi C) from A.Eberle to compile and run under Linux LEDE.  The libraries functionality allows to calculate the frequency, effective voltage, harmonics, and phase shift, from the signal samples in an efficient way. We provide this library as binary blob, since it is basically not open sourced (yet), and originated from the manufacturer himself. Now it is ported for LEDE, and can be used for our purposes.
For the provisioning of the calculated parameters, we intend to implement a luci app that shows the calculated parameters.
The rest of the project timeline is depicted below:
Working phase: June 20th – July 10th

  • Finalize the emulator
  • Integration with the power quality library.
  • first prototype of the provisioning functionality

Working phase: July 11th – July 24th

  • Finalize the provisioning functionality
  • prototype implementation of sample retrieval (given that the hardware is delivered)

Working phase: July 25th – August 7th

  • Integration of the three functionalities into a working implementation
  • Software Testing and bug fixing
  • Documentation of the integrated  functionalities

Working phase: August 8th – August 21st

  • Buffer for possible delays

More updates in the upcoming weeks.

OpenWrt – poWquty (poWer quality): Computing and providing power quality information on OpenWrt routers.

Dear Freifunkers,

Please allow me to introduce the poWquty Project within Google Summer of Code 2016 at Freifunk.

The big picture behind this project relates to the energy production and consumption. Sustainable energy production and consumption are crucial for a prospering life on earth. The importance of energy led many theorists to even define the level of civilization by its energy profile. With the renewable energies shift the energy production paradigm from centralized to decentralized energy production which poses one of the next big challenges, which will influence the energy production in the future years.

From the big picture we move to the concrete case, increasingly faced when dealing with renewable energies: monitoring and control.
The emerging smart grids include an inherent need for communication for monitoring and control purposes in a more and more dynamic environment. One of the major challenges is monitoring the power quality parameters in a decentralized manner. In such case, decentralized information need to be retrieved and transported with the lowest latency possible. One way to solve this challenge could be to install expensive infrastructure to each point. The better way is to use wireless mesh infrastructure that could also serve this purpose.

Here where Freifunk comes in: The Freifunk mesh network is an outstanding example for a decentralized infrastructure that could be augmented with grid related functionalities to cope with future energy challenges. In order to use wireless mesh networks such as Freifunk for energy monitoring, we could use extra hardware that does the power measurements and use the wireless networks solely for transporting the information. The drawback of this is the need to install separate hardware. But, since all routers run on power, we could integrate the measurements into the router, which is the main goal of this project: to enable power quality measurements on OpenWrt.

Here is the initial plan how to do this. First we need to retrieve voltage samples from the power grid. For the beginning we will rely on an oscilloscope device that delivers the real time samples over a USB interface. This way voltage samples from the electric socket are retrieved at the router. With these voltage samples we can go ahead and calculate the power quality parameters, using moving window algorithms, fourrier transform, and z-transform to get the phase angle, the effective power, the frequency, and the harmonics. This calculation should be time, and memory efficient since it has to run on the OpenWrt embedded devices. Once these values are calculated we need to think about how we want to make them available for retrieval over IP networks.

Now we come to the Code: The goal of the project is to create an OpenWrt package which ensures three functionalities:
1-    Retrieving sample data from the measurement device
2-    Calculating power quality parameters form the retrieved samples
3-    Provisioning of the calculated parameters for retrieval

This project is intended to strengthen the role of open software in the uprising smart grids by providing some essential functionalities, communication devices need to have in the context of smart grids, especially in regard to the future role of the home routers in the future energy solutions.

More updates on this will follow in the next weeks.

