Retroshare for Android – Update 2

It’s been a month since the last post, so it’s time to summarize this period. In the previous post I showed the beginnings of my adventure with implementing the designed look of the application. That version looked as I intended, but it lacked interactivity, data management and connection to the main retroshare-service application.

The current version of the application has added animations for transitions between screens or tabs. Example animations (due to limited upload size, video is badly compressed 🙁 ):

Also, screens have been added to help various side activities such as creating a new identity or to make it easier to create an account, if it doesn’t already exist.:

And the next thing I spent some time on was the correct handling of queries for retroshare-service and data processing. Thanks to that, in the application we can already perform basic activities such as logging in or managing our identities.

In addition to the activities presented here, I devoted some time to just building a retroshare-service application, which exceeded my expectations about the ease of this task.

Next steps

In the application there are still a few minor modifications to be done. One of the key changes is to ensure proper storage and generation of the authorization token. Nevertheless, the main task of the upcoming period will be to add new functionalities and minor fixes to the Retroshare itself.

Due to the fact that visually the application is already very close to the final product, I would be happy to hear some criticism and hints what needs to be changed.

Konrad Dębiec

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