GSoC 2017 – wlan slovenija – Final report

What’s been done

The first blog post that describes the idea and goals can be read here, the first update here and the second one here.

So the Google Summer of Code came to a close. It was an interesting journey of learning, adapting and frustration. First I struggled with setting up the work space to work on LEDE platform. It was in the end successful and the whole process well documented, from setting up the virtual machines for running nodewatcher and nodewatcher-agent to actually coding, compiling and updating the agent with new packages. The end product is working HMAC signing of agent’s report messages that are sent to the nodewatcher. It can be used as a lightweight alternative to SSL certificates.

After that I tackled the task of improving the Tunneldigger, but was again met with deprecated documentation that wasn’t helpful at setting things up. After much struggle and digging around Slack I managed to get things going. Unfortunately my health disagreed and prevented me from finishing the task fully.


What’s next

If possible, I intend to finish the last task anyway so my contribution to wlan-si and Google Summer of Code is complete.

I am contributing using my github account.

Thank you for the great opportunity and good luck!

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