Monitoring and quality assurance of open wifi networks out of client view (final evaluation)

Hi together,

now the time has come to explain the full Google Summer of Code Project. In both blog posts before I explained the work packages and structure of the Project [0][1]. In the first post I declare the three main subjects. Here is a short overview to remind of the project structure:


Mainline project

and seminars.

The sub-projects are background work for community projects.

The mainline Google Summer of Code project is to develop a new firmware for routers, based on LEDE [2]. The third point are seminars for enlightment of technical aspects of the Freifunk Community.


First I would like to list up all sub-projects and their status.

The first of the sub-projects is the hoodselector. For a final explanation of this construct I would like to explain the following points to give you a good understanding of this concept. On the Nordwest Freifunk community we had one big problem. Due to the batman-adv management traffic, the network setup is not really scalable. This problem also exists on many other communities where they have thousands of mesh routers inside one single network. If there are too many routers inside of one layer 2 network the batman-adv management traffic will flood this network and make it useless.


Therefore in the Nordwest Freifunk Community we decided to develop the concept of hood-networking. This concept consists of two main components: The hoodfile [3] and the hoodselector[4]. The hoodfile is a json file containing all informations necessary for a definition of a geobased hood. One hood is defined by a geostationary fixed quadrants, VPN-peering- and wireless configurations. Inside a hoodfile are multiple hoods defined[5]. Following an example of a definition of a hood:



     “name”: “rastede”,

     “bssid”: “02:00:0A:12:A0:00”,

     “defaulthood”: false,

     “servers”: [


             “host”: “”,

             “port”: “10000”,

             “publickey”: “ca1b5487ffc20a1f90e0ac14e835d84ab9e52612b5ca62e073d0a13dad98775e”



     “boxes”: [














A hood has the following definition:


– name

The name describes the region depending on its geo coordinates. For example, if you create a hood over the city Oldenburg(Oldb) (Germany), a good name could be Oldenburg or ol as short. Every name has to be unique inside a hoodfile. Redundant names are not allowed!


– bssid

The bssid will be set for the adhoc wireless interface. This is the main part of splitting the layer 2 network. Inside the bssid there is the IPv4 sub-network encoded which is in use inside the hood. In the above json part the following IPv4 sub-network is encoded “” dec to bin => “0000’1010 0001’0010 1010’0000 0000’0000” bin to hex => 0x0A 0x12 0xA0 0x00 hex to mac => 02:00:0A:12:A0:00. Therefore the bssid should also be unique.


– defaulthood

The defaulthood boolean is only true on the default hood. The default hood doesn’t have coordinates and is the inverted form of all other hoods with geo coordinates.


– servers

Contains an array of VPN connection informations. These informations are:

VPN server address (host)

VPN port

VPN crypto key

One VPN server should be used for one hood only! If two hoods have the same VPN server, batman-adv will loop them over VPN.


– boxes

This 3 dimensional array describes the geographical size of the hood. The surface is rectangular. You just need two points per box to reconstruct it. Here is an example:




                                          8.09 #____________

                                                   |                  |

                                                   |                  |

                                                   |                  |


                                                                      # 53.36,




Each hood can have any number of rectangles inside the boxes array.


To make your life a little easier you can use the hoodgen[6] and source[7] to write your json with the required informations. This is a simple web visualization tool to plan hoods and generate the right json format for the hoodfile. This tool has been written by Eike Baran. Big Thanks to him for this helpful tool!


Now to the hoodselector.

It is a software that creates decentralized, semi automated ISO OSI layer 2 network segmentation for batman-adv layer 2 routing networks. This program reads the geobased sub-networks called hoods from the above mentioned hoodfile. The decision of choosing the right hood is made on following points: first, the hoodselector checks, if the router has a VPN connection. If it has, the hoodselector then checks, if a static geoposition was set on the router. If not, it tries to get a position using wireless based localization with the so called geolocator. The geolocator [8][9][10] is a software which makes it possible to receive a position based on wireless networks “seen” around. These informations will be sent to the openwifi map project [11]. Knowing the position of the router the hoodselector can find the right hood, because each hood is defined with geocoordinates. If the Router doesn’t have a VPN connection e.g. as a mesh only router, the hoodselector triggers a WIFI scan and searches for neighboured mesh routers in other hoods. If there is an other router with a different BSSID but with the same mesh SSID, the router chooses it’s hood based on the neighboured BSSID. I got much positive feedback from many other Freifunk Communities. Someone even created a integration request issue for gluon [12]. Gluon is a framework based on openWRT[13] and is very popular in the Freifunk community [14]. Before I will send this as a patch to gluon there remains one last urgent issue [15]. The current hoodselector is not able to handle mesh on LAN or WAN connections. So there is still a potential point of failure. Because persons who are not familiar enough with the hood-networking concept can accidentally interconnect hoods over the mesh on cable functions. I plan to fix this problem up to mid of september. When this issue is closed I would like sending patches for integration to gluon. Other issues can be found here[16].


On the Nordwest Freifunk community we currently have 10 active hoods including a default hood. That is a special hood where all routers will connect to, if they are not able to choose a hood, including also routers there out of ranges from other real hoods. After the last 3 months we can safely say that the setup works. Commits can be found here[17] All currently active hoods can be see here in this picture.




As next I would like to tell you about the second sub-project as a prework for the mainline project. In that part I work on a proper workaround with the continuous-integration (CI) system of Gitlab[18]. As I explained in the midterm evaluation, on our Nordwest community we started automatically building of nightly testing firmware images for our community firmware. The CI works now with a dynamical multiple core build processes and auto generated architecture targets out of source. At the moment it is not possible for Gitlab to handle high verbose inside the web-engine while the build process. I discussed the problem with the gitlab team and open an issue [19]. The CI builder is very helpful for the developing process of the monitoring drone. Here you can see the result for the local community image[20] and for the monitoring-drone [21].


Mainline Project.

The mainline project was to create a new firmware for monitoring and quality assurance of open wireless networks. So I started reading of informatins about openWRT [13] and LEDE [2]. I decided to use LEDE as base system. I know there still no release to use this as a defined base structure (we are all looking forward to this moment) but since july 2016 I am on the developer list and the way where LEDE is growing looks good. Next I looked for a build management script. First I thought about using make and Makefiles but this was not my favourite, so I decided to use the buildscript from the Franken Freifunk community as base, which is written in bash. Now I’ll explain the structure how to work with and use it. The following directories and files are important for basic work:


buildscript ← File

     BSP ← Dir

     Community ← Dir

     build_patches ← Dir

     modules ← File


The buildscript is mainly a bash script for a humanly working with this buildroot. In other words it is an abstraction from the LEDE build ENV.


Inside the BSP directory are all necessary architecture specific informations.

BSP means Board-Support-Package. Also inside this directory are default informations like the shell banner system configs and so on.


The community directory includes community specific configurations, similar like the gluon siteconf [22]. Currently there are only two config parameters inside: first the “AP SSID” to set a default SSID with witch WIFI network should the monitoring-drone connect and the second parameter, the “AP BSSID” to set a node specific BSSID in case if more than one router with the same SSID is present. Then the monitoring drone is pinned on one specific node. This config parameter will be dropped in the future because it is not really effectively if a default BSSID is set . In future I plan to configure thous parameters over an extra web interface[23].


In the build_patches directory you can put patches for LEDE or if you what you can also put patches for each package repository. Here is a schemata:




         0001-this is a patch.patch

         0002-this is another one.patch


         0001-this is a patch.patch

         0002-this is another one.patch


The last file is called modules. Inside this file you can add external package repositories and also select specific packages out of this repositories. Following an example:





OPENWRT_PKGS=”libwlocate lwtrace ffnw-node-info hoodselector”


Clemens and I discussed about the API design[24] regarding the communication between the monitoring drone and the netmon core. So we met together. Here a picture:

Jan-Tarek Butt (left) and Clemens John (right)


At last point were the seminars. During the Google Summer of Code we started to gave seminars for technical aspects of Freifunk because we have not enough developers and system administrators. That is mostly a big problem in volunteer activities. On the hacking sessions we follow a simple structure:


– two lectures about Freifunk technical aspects.

– discus about the contend of the lectures

– work session on projects


On the first hacking session at the 28. may 2:00 PM we created video recordings of the two lectures, you can find them here[25]. The next hacking session were failures because of Clemens and my exams. In future there will follow other streams about tecnical aspects of Freifunk.


Last but not least, my future plans:

For the hoodselector, I plan to close up the last urgent issue[15] that I mentored in the above for the migration into gluon I also started prework on gluon for this. One part was the implementation of a sequential code minifying process at compile time [26]. Also some other issues are still open so I will continuing the work on the hoodselector[16].


For the monitoring firmware they currently is just configurable over ssh. A web interface should follow soon and also a plugin system for community specific monitoring data requests.


On the Kieler Linux information days[27] inside the Kieler Innovations- and technology center I will hold amongst others 4 presantations about Freifunk relevants themes:


    Hoodselector – Network segmentation for Layer 2 routing at 11:00 (16.09.2016)[28]

    Wireless-based localization ( project) at 13:00 (16.09.2016)[29]

    OpenWRT Embedded Linux distribution at 16:00 (16.09.2016)[30]

    Freifunk Kiel/Nordwest (2016) – year review at 16:00 (17.09.2016)[31]








[6] http://hood.ffnw/hoodgen.html#


























Monitoring and quality assurance of open wifi networks out of client view (midterm evaluation)

Hey everyone,
Now we are on the midterm evaluation. I would like to tell you what I have done so far and what will come next. In the first post [0] I explained the work packages. In this post I will come back to the work packages  and show you what I have done for each package.
The first sub-project was the hoodselector. At the beginning of the work period I did some bugfixing for the hoodselector so that we where able to deploy the hoodselector in our live environment. The hoodselector creates decentralized, semi automated ISO OSI layer 2 network segmentations. You can find a detailed discription here [0]. Retrospective I can say that the deploymend of the hoodsystem went without any major problems opposed to my first expectations. Currently we have 4 hoods active. Around Oldenburg(Oldb), Ibbenbüren, Osnabrück and Friesland. More hoods will follow in future. Open Issues can be find here [1].
The second sub-project was to create a propper workaround for building images with the continuous-integration (CI) system of Gitlab using make on multiple cores.
The Freifunk Nordwest firmware now has automatically built testing images that are not only build on a single core but can be built on multiple cores. And the architecture targets are also autogenerated out of the sourcecode. This makes it possible to generate images dynamically for all targets also including new targets that may come in the future. I implemented a small algorithm that manages the thread counter of make commands. I use the number of CPUs out of /proc/cpuinfo * 2 this means for each logic core will follow two threads. In example our server has 8 cores so the CI build process will automatically build with 16 Threads [2]. Here is an example of a passed buildprocess with our CI builder[3]. Actually it is not possible to build images with a high verbose output, because the CI logfiles will get to big. That makes it impossible to use the webfrontend for analyzing the buildprocesses. I opened an issues for this and discussed the problem with the gitlab developers [4].
The CI builder is very helpful for the developing process of the monitoring drone.
Following I would like to report about our first hacking seminar.
The first hacking seminar was on 28.05.2016. We started with two presentations. One about Wireless Geo Location and the second one about the Hoodselector. We recorded the presentation with our new recording equipment [7] bought using some of the money for the mentoring organisation and uploaded the recordings to youtube [5].
The first presentation was about geolocating with wireles technologies.
Based on the Nordwest Freifunk geolocator [6]

The second presentation was about the function of the Hoodselector

After this two presentations we had a smal disscussion about the presentation topics and than we started o
ur hacking session where the developers started coding on their projects.
Now all sub-Projects are finnisched and I will continue with the Monitoring Drone Project after I finish my Study exams. Also the date of next hacking seminar is set for 9th of Juli 2016. Again we will have two presentations. One on Gitlab CI and one about how to use our new Puppet Git repositories including the submodule feature. The presentations will be recorded and after the presentation we will have a coding session like last time.
23. May: Community Bonding (3 weeks)
test and deploy hoodselector  <- Done
16. May 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble  <- Done
Refine the roadmap  <- Done
23. May – 20. June: Work period 1 (4 weeks) <- Done
28. May 2:00 PM: hacker-session  <- Done
  1. Presentation about the hoodselector <- Done
  2. Presentation about the project[4] and the geolocator <- Done
13. June 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble  <- Done
Tarek & Clemens exams!!!
20. June – 15. August: Work period 2 (8 weeks)
9. July 2:00 PM: hacker-session
  1. Presentation about workaround with git CI processes.
  2. Presentation about puppet deployment system
13. June 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble
25. June 2:00 PM: hacker-session
  1. Presentation about workaround with git CI processes.
  2. Presentation about puppet deployment system
18. July 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble
30. July 2:00 PM: hacker-session
  1. actual unknown
  2. actual unknown
15. August 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble

Monitoring and quality assurance of open wifi networks out of client view

Hey everyone,
My name is Jan-Tarek Butt and I am in my second term of computer science at Emden University in Lower Saxony (Germany). I am one of the students that are participating for Freifunk in the Google Summer of Code 2016. In the following post I would like to introduce you to my Google Summer of Code project. I split up the project into 3 main subjects: Mainline project, sub-projects and seminars.
Before I explain the three mentioned subjects I would like to give you some background information about the project in general. My project mentor is Clemens John. He studies computer science at University Osnabrück in Lower Saxony (Germany) and recently started to write his bachelor thesis. As part of his bachelor thesis he will build a monitoring and administration software for open wireless networks called “Netmon-SC” based on a previosly existing software that will be rewritten to follow a decentralised idea. The coarse structure of Netmon-SC will consist of a core module as a data storage backend that can be queried by using a REST API based on NetJSON. In addition to the REST API the core module will include a plug-In system which developers can use to easily extend the core module to build data storages for creating visualisation tools, quality assurance metrics or any other community specific tools like special administration applications.
My mainline GSoC project is to develop a new firmware for routers based on openWRT or LEDE. This firmware will  be the basis for an application to monitor the clients view onto an open wireless network. From now on we will call this firmware the “Monitoring-Drone”. This monitoring firmware will gather quality assurance metrics and send them to Netmon-SC. This metrics will help developers and administrators to enhance the quality of open wireless networks and find bugs more easier. The firmware will include an API package to communicate with Netmon-SC. It will also contain a small LUCI web-interface for basic configuration e.g. wireless network settings etc. Additionally to the basic settings it should be possible to integrate small plugins in form of  .sh or .lua files witch contain custom commands.This will allow communities to gather network specifics metrics without compiling community specific firmware images. The API for communication with Netmon-SC, the web-interface and the plugin system will embedded into a package bases structure. The git repository for this project can be found here.
Now to the sub-projects. Sub-projects are small projects adjacent to the mainline project. The first sub-project is the so called hoodselector that I finished reviewing on Mai 21th. The hoodselector creates decentralized, semi automated ISO OSI layer 2 network segmentations based on geostationary fixed quadrants for batman-adv mesh networks. It detects in which quadrant the node is in by using wireless location services and configurates the router using the settings that have been stored for this quadrant. In conclusion the hoodselector enables us to build scaled decentralised mesh-networks. It is a small program on open wireless routers on the Nordwest-Freifunk community network.
The second sub-project is, to create a proper workaround for building images on a multicore system instead of a single core system by using Gitlabs continuous-integration (CI) feature. This will fully automate the firmware image building process for the Monitoring-Drone and also for the open wireless firmware images from the local community.
The third sub-project are regular seminars. The idea of this seminars is to give earned knowledge to the public and also acquire new developers for open wireless projects. The seminars should have one or two short presentations about technical processes from open wireless networks, for instance how the hoodselector works or how batman-adv works. The Presentations will be video recorded and uploaded to the internet. After thous presentations on the seminars I plan short discussions about the contend of the presentations. Afterwards hack-sessions should do force forward the developing processes for the Google Summer of Code project and illuminate the opensource software development scene of the open wireless project.
Last but not least we created a project timeline. Clemens and I, will have regular Mumble meetings during the GSoC, at the middle of every month. On this meetings we will discuss the work already done and what should happen next. Beside the work on the main project we will also use the meetings to plan the next seminar that will always follow at the end of each month.
23. May: Community Bonding (3 weeks)
test and deploy hoodselector  ← Done
16. May 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble ← Done
Refine the roadmap ← Done
23. May – 20. June: Work period 1 (4 weeks)
28. May 2:00 PM: hacker-session
  1. Presentation about the hoodselector
  2. Presentation about the project and the geolocator
20. June – 15. August: Work period 2 (8 weeks)
Tarek & Clemens exams!!!
13. June 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble
25. June 2:00 PM: hacker-session
  1. Presentation about workaround with git CI processes.
  2. actual unknown
18. July 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble
30. July 2:00 PM: hacker-session
  1. actual unknown
  2. actual unknown
15. August 6:00 PM: GSoC Mumble
Jan-Tarek Butt