International Community Map Project and Node Database

One of the things every community would like to see are maps of their network. There are many initiatives and map projects around, but how much more progress could we make, if we work together? This is why a group of free networks contributors started a group to work together on a common project. We started a mailing list to coordinate efforts and welcome everyone who would like to collaborate:
The current goal is to define a basis for a common map. We are looking at different map solutions and try to find out how we can merge the best of each into one. The best approach seems to be a modular system. In the following three great projects of different communities.
Nodeshot comes from the community in Italy and is widely being used there ( The main developer is Federico Capoano. The goal of the Django application is to have “a nice snapshot of your wireless community network”. Nodeshot is a web tool for wireless community network. It allows members to add their node and to share and manage information about their configurations like devices, ip addresses, wireless parameters etc. In this way, newcomers can easily contact/connect with them. Internal scripts will update the topology and retrieve nodes information via snmp, or parsing routing information given by olsr, batman or whatever. It is super-fast, nice and easy to use. It rises from the ashes of WNMap (, powered by django, released under GPLv3 and tested inside the Ninux wireless community network ( How to install: A basic guide on how to setup nodeshot for your community is available here:
Nodewatcher, another Django based application was started in Slowenia by Mitar. Its main goal is the development of an open source network planning, deployment, monitoring and maintanance platform. The project is divided into multiple components:
* node telemetry provider: A simple shell script that is accessible via HTTP interface and is used for node status data acquisition that is performed by the data collection system. Its role is similar to the one of SNMP, however it uses less resources (CPU-wise and, mostly, when it comes to memory and flash space). Our firmware has this preinstalled, others can follow these instructions to install it.
* data collection system : A daemon written in Python that periodically collects data regarding the OLSR topology, active HNAs, node telemetry and performs active reachability tests for visible nodes. Using rrdtool it can then generate graphs that are used by the web interface.
* web interface: A web-based application, written in Python and using the Django framework. It is used by the users to monitor the status of the network and individual nodes and by the node owners to manage their nodes.
* firmware image generator: A daemon that handles per-node configuration and firmware image generation via the OpenWrt buildroot using our custom firmware. It receives requests from the web interface. Live version We use nodewatcher in wlan slovenija network (this is why we are developing it), so you can see a live version of nodewatcher for real deployed network here
yaffmap is a project from Dennis Bartsch from Freifunk Berlin. He is working on an implementation of a node database he started with a friend. It is called yaffmap. It got its name because at the beginning of the project we had many mapservers in Berlin and so it started as yet another approach for a Freifunk map. The intention was to make a server that not just produces points and lines (nodes and their links) but to gather all information that might help to understand why a link is as bad as it is. This includes to gather wireless scan results, the effective rate chosen/calculated by the wireless driver to a specific neighbour and so on. Furthermore it had to be independent from the routing-protocol and its daemons (but needs it to gather useful info) and the IP version (or even no IP version for RPs like batman) and had to be able to upload and store data from multiple routing protocols on the same node. In order to sample so much information we went the route of scripting an agent for the map-server which runs on the nodes gathering the information and uploading it through a JSON interface to the server. For link-state-protocols like OLSR we even implemented the upload of the global topology to the server, which gave us some headache. From the beginning on I stressed the need for decentralized operation, so replication between the servers was implemented and any community which wants can have their own map data server. 

Projekt unterstützt Mashups für sozialen Wandel – Ideen für Freifunkprojekt? vergibt insgesamt 100.000 US Dollar, die auf 20 Mashup-Projekte verteilt werden.

Mashup (von engl.: „to mash“ für vermischen) bezeichnet die Erstellung neuer Inhalte durch die nahtlose (Re-)Kombination bereits bestehender Inhalte. Der Begriff stammt aus der Welt der Musik und bedeutet dort im Englischen soviel wie Remix (vgl. Bastard Pop). In den deutschen Sprachraum wurde der Begriff rund um das Schlagwort Web 2.0 importiert, da Mashups als ein wesentliches Beispiel für das Neue an Web 2.0 angeführt werden: Inhalte des Webs, wie Text, Daten, Bilder, Töne oder Videos, werden z.B. collageartig neu kombiniert. Dabei nutzen die Mashups die offenen Programmierschnittstellen (APIs), die andere Web-Anwendungen zur Verfügung stellen. So können z.B. Anbieter von Webseiten über die API von Google Maps Landkarten und Satellitenfotos auf der eigenen Webseite einbinden und zusätzlich mit individuellen Markierungen versehen. Auch die API von Flickr wird oft genutzt, um Fotos in neue Anwendungen einzubinden. (

Die Deadline für Bewerbungen ist am 14. März. Für die Projekte werden
sie Analysten und Ingenieure von einigen "der coolsten
Technologiefirmen der Welt" beschäftigen. Ist die vielleicht eine Möglichkeit mehr Leute in die Arbeit an Freifunk-Maps zu integrieren? Jennie Frohman vom Projektteam hat mir jedenfalls gerade geschrieben, dass sie sich sehr über eine Bewerbung aus dem Freifunk-Umfeld freuen würde.

What does NetSquared promise N2Y3 Mashup Project Challenge Participants?

1. We’re going to meet you where you are.
2. You’re going to get as much out of this process as you’re able to give.
3. We’re committed to helping you mobilize and deploy resources appropriately. Our goal is to help you bring your Mashup vision to life.
4. This is going to be messy. With your commitment and vision, we think we can pull this off. But we also recognize that like all projects, there will be unexpected bumps along the road. We expect that, but we want to make sure you do too!
5. We believe that NetSquared’s role as convener of social-benefit innovators and the technical experts will help accelerate the conversations about "open data," "open standards," "data portability," and encourage people to re-imagine collaborative possibilities.
6. Ultimately, we believe this work will help accelerate the use of Web-based tools in the field of social innovation.
7. The $ point. Yes, there will be cash prizes for the best Mashup Projects. We’ve committed to distributing $100,000 to the finalists. (
